Happy Halloween everyone. Its one of my favourite times of the year. I feel more at home in a jumper and thick socks, making stews, carving pumpkins and drawing spooky pictures. It confuses me slightly that the media these days seem to think that celebrating Halloween over here is a new thing. I remember lots of Halloween parties when I was younger in the early 80's. My mum even made me a fantastic costume of Evil Edna the TV witch from 'Willo the Wisp' (anyone remember that?) out of a massive cardboard box. I don't understand this idea that it's all come from America in the last few years. Anyway, I love it.
Here's my celebration Halloween sketch, our pumpkins immortalised and also some favourite spooky illustrations from favourite illustrators. You lucky people.....
I just have such a thing about birds and bats.....
This is a favourite book cover of mine from the ever talented Tony Ross. I've often tried to replicate fluid lines like this (without too much success!). Genius.
A perfect example of an Edward Gorey - the most sinister, disturbing yet beautiful book. An A-Z of unfortunate deaths of tiny children. Interestingly, both my children think its wonderful. So much for wanting happy endings.
Here's my celebration Halloween sketch, our pumpkins immortalised and also some favourite spooky illustrations from favourite illustrators. You lucky people.....
The incredibly talented David Roberts (left, bottom left and bottom right) is the most wonderful illustrator at evoking a spooky and sinister mood. His black and white work is second to none in my opinion. Look at that snowfall....
This is a favourite book cover of mine from the ever talented Tony Ross. I've often tried to replicate fluid lines like this (without too much success!). Genius.
A perfect example of an Edward Gorey - the most sinister, disturbing yet beautiful book. An A-Z of unfortunate deaths of tiny children. Interestingly, both my children think its wonderful. So much for wanting happy endings.
Have a Spooky Halloween Sarah :o)
You might like this book that Tashen are producing. It is THE FAIRY TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM but with the true 'grim' details left in instead of any prettying up. They have used vintage and new illustrations. The silhouettes look good... I was thinking about maybe suggesting silhouettes for Blackwells!
Thanks for that June. What a lovely book. I really really love the red riding hood image. I think silhouettes for Blackwells would work really well. I'll suggest it - even if we incorporate it into the rest of a larger drawing.....
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