23 June 2013

"We interrupt this blog for a special MABEL and ME Newsyflash!"

One evening Mabel and Me are watching  our favourite cartoon 'Mimi and Moi' when our viewing pleasure is cut HIDEOUSLY and HORRIBLY short...

For somebody says...

"Good evening TELE-VIEWERS, Pippity-squeaks and Lady-gents. From today you can buy Mabel and Me Best of Friends' in FABULOUS -PAGE TURNING 'PAPERBACK!  So why not toodle, poodle or quite simply POOTLE down to your local book store and pick up a copy ....MUCHO PRONTO!"

Well...for a moment I am TOTALLY lost for words and I feel my whiskers start to bristle and boil.
'Mabel,' I say,"has Mr Newsyflash, seriously interrupted our favourite cartoon just to tell us that!!!

I say...
"Doesn't he know we already own a perfectly lovely HARDBACK copy of 'Mabel and Me Best of Friends' which we keep in PRIDE OF PLACE somewhere under the bed..."
I say...Wouldn't it be nice, 'just once'  if Mr Newsy Flash kept his news flashes to himself and let us watch 'Mimi and Moi ' in UTTER peace and GLORIOUS quiet!'

But just then ...
There is another TOTALLY unexpected interruption  and Mabel says...


For, while my whiskers were bristling and boiling, Mimi and Moi have landed SLAP! BANG!  back on our TV screen.


But (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?) a moment later,there is YET another interruption!
For, SURPRISE!  SURPRISE!  (who would have guessed it)  I have a MOUSEY NEWS FLASH all of my VERY own...

"Mabel" I say," Even though we already own a perfectly lovely hardback copy of "Mabel and Me' why don"t we POTTLE down to our local book store and buy a HUGE stack of paperbacks to hand out to  all our friends and JELLY- tives!"

Then without a second thought, we turn off the tv, grab our piggy banks and CHA-CHA , JIVE and QUICK STEP out the front door.
After all...
We do of course TOTALLY love 'Mimi and Moi' but REALLY and TRULY how could they  POSSIBLY compare to ...

' Mabel and Me!"